This is why…

October 25, 2012 — 146 Comments

6 assignments, 3 exams and the reason I have not been able to write until now…

When i’m not writing, this is why.
I have been shackled to this table writing one assignment after the other after the other after the other. However at 5:00pm yesterday afternoon I submitted the last assignment for the year. *Pause to take in the enormity of this statement…..

When I saw the confirmation of submission come through I sat there in absolute shock.
There really are no words to describe how it feels to sit back after months and months of intense study, stress, assignments, late nights, tears on text books, exhaustion and clinical placement and realise that you’re done, that you got through it, that you made it…

I now have a massive 4 month break and as it is nearly summer here in Australia and the skies are as bright and blue and cloudless as ever, I have a very real feeling that the next few months are going to be nothing less than wonderful.
So today I sit here with B.B King on volume: loud and all the windows are open and I lightened my hair and stocked up the ice in the freezer and in a moment I am going to take the first book on my summer reading list and lie beside the pool and maybe swim, maybe read a little, maybe skip through my music playlist, maybe fall asleep in the sun. I don’t know, but the point is, I can do that now, because for the next 4 months I am free.
So all the things that were once keeping me from writing are now behind me and I plan on writing all summer long.

Before I grab this book of mine and walk to the pool with a smug look on my face I would like to ask you a favour. I love reading. Really, reading is one of the great joys of my life and I have a whole summer to do as much of it as I can before I shelve them again in exchange for text books and another year of study so the favour I want to ask is that you tell me what your all time favourite book is. Because I would like to read it.
So if there is one book out of all the books you have read that you think I should read, please tell me in the comments section below.

In exchange I will give you the one book that I wish everyone would read: ‘The Good Earth’ by Pearl S Buck.
It is a story built around a flawed human being and the teetering socio-economic system of pre-communist China. It holds profounds layers that delve into the human condition…a reminder that we are all so different, yet alike. It is the story of the life of Wang-Lung and O-lan and takes you from poverty to wealth. It explores the humility of the peasants and the excesses of the rich. You are swept away in a world of starvation, simplicity and sheer ‘will to live’ in a country so vast it is almost beyond our comprehension. O-lan is the strongest woman you will likely ever meet and Wang-Lung the most devoted ’tiller of the land’ since creation. I love this book.

Ok, now its your turn.

Please don’t embarrass me, yourself or literature in general by recommending A) The 50 shades series or B) The twilight series. Cheers.

146 responses to This is why…


    Several astonishingly honest autobiographical books by Anne Lamott, starting with Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith.
    Celebrating your accomplishment with you. Way to go.


    I recently finished The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks… and it still haunts me.


    I’ve been reading Amy Winehouse’s biography and a book called Londoners by Craig Taylor… both are great (:


    I know you asked for one…but…
    Mother Grimm by Catherine Wells. It is a sci-fi based on the future survival of the human race. It is a really good read!
    A more recent book I read was The Eye of the Albatross by Carl Safina. It is a natural history book that follows a female albatross on her journey through life. Amazing book. Truly enlightening.
    One more suggestion…If you like fantasy there is a series called Symphony of Ages the first book (my favorite) is called Rhapsody it is by Elizabeth Haydon. Amazing book full of adventure and romance. The characters are amazing and the storyline is great. It is one book that I read over and over again.
    Let me know what you think!!


    Congratulations, you should be very pleased with your achievement. “The Good Earth” was my mother’s all time favourite book, you have reminded me to dig it out and have another read 🙂 My personal favourite is “Wild Swans” by Jung Chang, it’s inspiring.


    I would recommend “The Color of Water,” or “The Culture of Fear.” The first is a memoir of a black man growing up with a white mother and the second is about a man’s argument that Americans are scared of the wrong things.


    Congratulations on four months of relaxing! I am really new here, only read this post so far, but am looking forward to the rest… Here’s a favorite of mine that might lead you to more… Its an anthology:

    Smoke Rising The Native North American Literary Companion
    Joseph Burchac, Managing Editor, Janet Witalec, Editor


    I like fun reads that keep you hooked. Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, or Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. You will not be disappointed!


    The Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. It’s what brought me to study for my master’s in Scotland.


    The Color Purple (enjoy your time off!)


    Wow that must’ve been stressful!! Congrats on finishing the year, and I hope you have a lovely relaxing summer! (It seems weird saying that, as winter is coming and it’s FREEZING here!) xx

I would love to hear from you, please feel free to comment!