Is it ok to wear red lipstick on television?

October 9, 2012 — 46 Comments

Oh so much has been happening in my single little world and I hadn’t realised it had been so long since we spoke until today….It has been two weeks and I miss you. I have been fitting the writing of countless assignments around full time clinical placement and I didn’t mean to get too busy… it just happened.

Despite my hectic schedule, I have been doing some secret squirrel things and have some news to share with you.
On wednesday 10th October, at 8:20am QLD time, I will be appearing live on Channel Seven’s ‘The Morning Show’ to discuss my 1000 day commitment to celibacy, to promote and to discuss the new love of my life: Writing.

The hosts of The Morning Show Larry and Kylie… I am a huge fan of them both.

As The Morning Show is a popular (Australian) program that airs Nation wide, I am extremely grateful for the publicity it will bring to this site and I am trusting that it will somehow open some doors to further my writing.

I have other secret things going on but will share those things with you as they unfold, but it is all so exciting and it all makes me so terribly happy. For all my readers outside Australia who would like to see the program, I will try to provide a link to the show so you can watch it online after it has aired.

I have 7 more long days and late nights to go until I wrap up my time on the wards and submit the last of these dastard assignments and then I am on holidays until March 2013. I will stock up on wine, new music and a comfortable garden chair and write my heart out for you all summer long. Oh my soul is so incredibly exhausted that just the thought of that bought tears to my cheeks…

46 responses to Is it ok to wear red lipstick on television?


    Absolutely! It’s almost a must! 🙂 Congrats!!


    if you like red lipstick wear it! Be who you are.. and the you that you are will shine through….. no matter what color your lipstick is. (although I am sure the producers/directors will let you know if it is a good thing or not) Best of luck!


    Congrats! Is there any way to see it if you don’t live in Australia? Online somewhere?


    Of course, it’s alright! Just make sure you pick a red that complements your complexion.


    That’s fantastic!!! Congratulations on this big step – I’m sure you’ll do great! Looking forward to seeing a copy of the interview 😉


    Congrats!! Well deserved!


    oh my this is awesome news! someone will have to upload on youtube so we can have a look in england! Regarding red lipstick here is my advice – go with at the least you will look better than me if i wore lipstick on TV 😀


    That’s so fantastic! Congrats!


    Go You!!!…Wear as bright a lipstick as you can… You will look sexy and confident!
    I will make a note of that date.*smiles*…Goodluck! x


    Congrats!! 🙂


    Holy Moses!! Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you 😀


    Definitely Vanessa!
    I wish I was living in Oz so that I could watch this, sadly I’m not, but it would be great if you could post the links 🙂
    Wow how exciting for you!!
    Good luck on 10.October I’m sure you will wow them 🙂

    One thing though, expect your phone to never stop ringing with alpha males who are convinced it is their mission in life to bring you back to “sex” world 😀

    All my very best wishes for what I am sure will be a stormer of an appearance, and good luck again!
    love n hugs


    That’s fantastic news! i echo the request for a youtube upload pleeeeease 🙂


    I say if you can rock something, no matter what it is (or how outlandish it is), wear it! Annd congratulations!! That sounds like an incredible opportunity. Best of luck, and know that I am super happy for you.


    Congratulations! That is AWESOME!! I’m with Seadog. I wish I could watch this from Canada!!
    As for the red lipstick, I can’t wear it with my red hair…looks too much like I’m trying to be Ronald McDonald. I think it would look gorgeous on you though!!
    Have fun!! YAY YOU!!


    Congrats! That’s exciting news. I say go for the red lipstick, too!


    wow.. I’m actually excited for something now..


    Yay for you!!! Very excited for you, and yes on the red 🙂 hope you can share the link so we can watch!


    I have no idea if red’s alright (I can’t think of any reason why it wouldn’t be!), but I just wanted to say congratulations! And enjoy the well-deserved holidays, too!


    Well I think clothes with stripes or checks is a bit of a no-no but lipstick shouldn’t be a problem…unless the lipstick is striped or checked 😉
    In any case the real opportunity here is to have a professional makeup and hair department do their thing on you!


    I’ll be taping it, go the red lipstick.


    That’s awesome, congratulations!


      Wearing red lipstick is your best choice it makes your teeth look whiter. Look at Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth and those ladies always wore red for that reason. Go for it and let it all out, goodl luck and do not be intimidated, they shit just like us.


    It’s Red all the way! You are gonna shine no matter what. So, so happy for you Ness!!!
    I knew it all along…..this is your time. And I can’t think of a more deserving person.


    I’m 2 thumbs up on the red lipstick and can’t wait to see the show. PLEASE figure out how to put a link. I’m in the US.


    I think red compliments your skin tone, it’s okay to wear one… please please blog the link? Want to it! Good luck, you can do it! 🙂


    Wow! Nice work. I hope it goes well. I will be at work, so wont be able to watch it, but if you put a link up I will definitely watch it. Congrats! Kat 🙂


    Congrats! I think your message is great and an opportunity to share it with a greater audience is even better. I have no idea about lipstick rules, just enjoy!


    Congratulations and good luck!! 🙂


    Congratualtions!!!! and yes you can wear red lipstick on t.v.


    YES wear red lipstick


    fabulous…. 😀 and yesss RED is the color of fame and success 😉 go for it Girl! YAY!!!


    Congrats on the recognition, you’re the next big thing in blogging. And about the lipstick, yeah, I think you should. In the pic you used where you wrote “Thank you for visiting”, you were wearing a red lipstick and I must say you do look great, was close to kissing the picture, lol. Even before you talked about sharing a link for us to watch the show, I was already rambling my head on how I would get to watch the show online, so thanks for being so thoughtful. With love, all the way from Nigeria, Godwin wishes you all the best. Been spreading the word about your blog here and building a loyal fan base for you, cheers!!!


    That’s huge!! I knew good things were coming your way. Well done! Good luck with the interview. Please post the clip so those of us in far off places can cheer you on. : )


    Fantastic news. Love hearing about it. Hope there’s a way to see that here in the U.S. (YouTube link?) Your profile pic has red lipstick and it, and you looks good there, so why not? Especially if it makes you feel good.


    I am not surprised at all! I knew you would go this far – and you’re going to many more places too, so be prepared! You have become an inspiration to many people through this blog, I hope you are same to many more through TV! Good luck!


    wow, tv! that’s amazing. have fun with it!


    Fantastic news!! And you can do it – last push before the holidays!! 🙂 you are an inspiration! xx


    Writing in your journal will do it for yah.

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